Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Packing Ain't Easy

Pack everything in, and try to close the suitcase. Take it all out. Go through the canned food bit. Trade towel for washcloth. Compare speedos and shorts, go with the shorts. Toss a shoe. Pack underwear and soap. Shirt gig. Break toothbrush, put in, then empty toothpaste, and put in. Cut pants. Grab shorts. Compare, then toss pants. Grab my teddy, and figure a way to cut him up. Don't do it, pack him and close the suitcase. Grab book, and put it into larger suitcase. Look around, put small suitcase inside the big suitcase, close it, and leave.


  1. Good. Can you run through that from memory?

  2. At this point, yes. I can go through the sequence of the scene as steps inside my head. When actually performing the entire thing, I do stumble sometimes with what comes next. So, as you said, I have been breaking it down into smaller chunks of scenic bits. Since doing this, I have been able to nail the smaller parts individually. Like anything, with more practice, it will become more fluid.
